on translation and localization
Response to "Invariance orientation: Identifying an object for translation studies". Translation Studies (2016). Download print version here.
Nineteenth-century discourses on translation in language teaching (2016)
Linguistics, translation and interpreting in foreign-language teaching contexts, with Nune Ayvazyan (2016)
Status and technology in the professionalization of translators. Market disorder and the return of hierarchy, with David Orrego-Carmona and Esther Torres-Simón (2016)
On the passage of transcendent messages: Johnnies and Mehmets (2015)
Translating as risk management (2015)
The medieval postmodern in Translation Studies (2014)
The case of the missing Russian translation theories (2014)
Translating between languages (2014) (draft handbook article)
Translation as an instrument for multilingual democracy (2013). Published version here.
Translation skill-sets in a machine-translation age. Meta 58(3) (2013). 487-503. DOI: 10.7202/1025047ar
What technology does to translating (2010)
The translator as non-author, and I am sorry about that (2010)
Translation theory as historical problem-solving (2010)
Western translation theories as responses to equivalence (2009)
On omission in simultaneous interpreting. Risk analysis of a hidden effort (2008)
Website localization (2009).Preparatory text for the Oxford Companion to Translation Studies
“Professional corpora”: teaching strategies for work with online documentation, translation memories and content management. Chinese Translators’ Journal (2008) 29:2. 41-45.
and the philosophy of dialogue Neuphilologische Mitteilungen (Helsinki). 109 (2008): 1. 106-110.
Translation vs. Language Learning in International Institutions. Explaining the Diversity Paradox (2008; re-write of an old paper; for publication in Cultus)
Translation après coup. On why Translation Studies
has a specific object (2007, revised 2008)
Persons and the Limits of Translation (1990, revised 2008)
On indeterminacy
in translation. A survey of Western theories (2008)
On Toury's laws of how translators
translate (draft, 2007)
On Shlesinger’s
proposed equalizing universal for interpreting, F. Pöchhacker,
A. L. Jakobsen, and I. M. Mees, eds. Interpreting Studies
and Beyond: A Tribute to Miriam Shlesinger. Copenhagen: Samfundslitteratur
Press, 2007. 175-190.
technology as rupture in the philosophy of dialogue (conference
paper, revised 2007)
Of green igloos, globalizing
hierarchies, and Renaissance translatio (occasional
text in memory of Virgilio Moya), 2006.
On History in Formal
Conceptualizations of Translation (conference paper, 2006)
On historical epistemologies
of Bible translating (draft, 2006)
training, and the threat of fragmentation (2006)
On its nature, virtues and dangers (2005)
Explaining explicitation
(draft, 2005)
the social and the cultural in Translation Studies (draft,
The translator as author:
on two English Quijotes (2004)
theory of cross-cultural communication (working draft, 2003)
Text and Risk in Translation (paper
developed at several conferences, 2003-06)
Alternatives to Borders in
Translation Theory (1993), now published in Susan Petrilli,
ed, Translation Translation. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi,
2003. 451-463.
Translational Ethics
and Electronic Technologies (paper presented to the Union
Latina conference, Lisbon, 2003).
Localization from the Perspective of Translation. Overlaps in
the Digital Divide? (Paper presented to the SCALLA
conference, Kathmandu, January 2004).
The Medieval Postmodern
in Translation Studies (2004)
Translators, in Barcelona and Elsewhere (2003)
The Pragmatics of Translating
Multilingual Texts (revised version of a paper first published
in 1996)
Localization Models Can Learn from Translation Theory (LISA Newsletter,
May, 2003).
Translation Studies and
Western Philosophy (working draft, December 2002)
On the closing of Language International
Localization and the humanization of technical discourse.
Revising the Suppositions (Written for the Third International
FEDER.CEN.TR.I. Conference, Rimini, Italy, October 2002)
Localization and the Training of Linguistic Mediators
for the Third Millennium (Talk presented to the conference
·The Challenges of Translation & Interpretation In
the Third Millennium·, Zouk Mosbeh, Lebanon, May 17, 2002)
Localization and the Dehumanization of Discourse
(short piece, 2002)
Localization and Linguistics (paper
presented to the SLE conference, August 2001)
Translation in International Institutions. Explaining
the Diversity Paradox (workshop paper presented to the
SLE conference, August 2001)
Translation in International Organizations
On Method in Hispanic Translation
Cara a cara. Info.Net-Translations (mes 12, diciembre
2000). Interview published in Spanish; English version is here
The European Union and Its
Future Languages: Questions for Language Policies and Translation
Theories (2000).
Localization and the Changing Role of Linguistics
Translating Linguistic Variation: Parody
and the Creation of Authenticity (2000)
(by Yvonne Lindqvist): Fem frågor till Anthony Pym (in Swedish)
On Cooperation (2000)
European Translation Studies, une science qui
dérange, and Why Equivalence Needn't Be a Dirty Word
Two principles, one probable paradox and a
humble suggestion, all concerning translation rates into various
languages, particularly English (unpublished text, 1999).
Open letter on hybrids
and translation (unpublished text, 1996).
Visibility, Target 8/2 (1996), 165-177.
Note on a Repertoire for Seeing Cultures, Target
10/2 (1998). 357-361.
Alternatives to Borders in Translation
Theory (unpublished text, 1993)
Doubts about Deconstruction
as a General Theory of Translation, TradTerm (São Paulo)
2 (1995), 11-18.
On the Translatability of Australian
Aboriginal Myth (English rewrite of a text published in Catalan
in Mites australians, Ed. Anthony Pym, Calaceite: Caminade,
1990, 37-48.)
Translating the Symbolic Olympics at Barcelona,
Language and Literature Today. Proceedings of the XIXth Triennial
Congress of the International Federation for Modern Languages
and Literatures, Ed. Neide de Faria, Brasilia: Universidade de
Brasília, 1996, vol. 1, 363-372.
as a Transaction Cost, Meta 40/4 (1995), 594-605. (scanned
version is here)
non semper necesse est, Quaderns. Revista de traducció
1 (1998), 88-93.
Guiding the Invisible Hand (unpublished position
paper, 1997)
Performatives as a Key to Modes of Translational
Discourse, Transferre necesse est... Current Issues in Translation
Theory, Ed. Linga Klaudy et al., Szombathely: Pädagogische
Hochschule Berzsenyi Dániel, 1993, 47-62.
Limits and Frustrations of Discourse Analysis
in Translation Theory, Fremdsprachen 2-3 (1991), 29-35.
Revised version in Revista de Filología de la Universidad
de La Laguna 11 (1992), 227-239.
Trujamanes (brief texts
in Spanish on Hispanic translation history, published by the Centro
Virtual Cervantes), 1999.
"Limits and Frustrations of Discourse
Analysis in Translation Theory", Fremdsprachen 2-3
(1991), 29-35. Revised version in Revista de Filología
de la Universidad de La Laguna 11 (1992), 227-239.
© Anthony
Pym 2016
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