Vicente Javier Just                                             


Comarca Baix Camp (BC) locator JN01ND

QSL INFO direct www.qrz.com or via bureau                      


I in marina of Cambrils



Thanks for visit this web, let me to introduce me.

I'm Xavier EA3EYD, old EC3ANQ, and EE3Y in international contest, ham since 1975 with 11 years old, licensed since 1980. In the begining I work in CB band. I arrived it from my other great hobby, the sea, sail and fish. In 1975 the local marine radiocomunications  were in 27Mhz band, it permit me to know de hamradio.


Carlota, my sail boat


My brother Carlos EA3FOG and I together, change the friends chat in 27 Mhz, when we are children, to the DX and HF VHF bands

Now, in my shack , I have  a TS430S, TS850, FT897D FT7800, Acom1000,  a linear amplifier home made DY1500  (6xPL519) about 700 watts by EA4DY "el marques" done in 1975, MJF 962, and KLM KT34A 4 ele beam antenna dipoles for 40-80 meters, ground plane for 12-17, dipole for 30, and a little beam for VHF and UHF fine for waorks satellites.


KLM KT34A dipoles 40-80, .


My friend Marcel EA3NA working my station


I request you to call me in phone or digital modes if you ear me, in a placid afternoon, or in the hard tests.

If you can spend time visiting my district, please visit the coast of Salou Cambrils L'Ametlla de mar, cliimb to the 1000 meter mountains of Serra de Prades, only 20 kilometers near my home, see the ancient Tarragona, relax in the Delta de l'Ebre natural park, enjoy our tipical meals with a good Priorat wine, and not forget to visit the itinerary of Cister monasterys as Poblet, Santes Creus, Vallbona, the Montblanc walls, and our traditional festive celebration in Reus Sant Pere and Misericordia. If you travel here not doubt to call me for more information.



A fishing day


Late afternoon in Cambrils harbour


Delta del Ebro