El ejemplo luminoso de su vida arrastraba a las multitudes que encontraban en aquél joven ermitaño algo que les acercaba a Dios, devolviéndoles el auténtico sabor evangélico que la sociedad corrompida de aquella época les había arrebatado sumergiéndoles en un ambiente de tensiones y guerras.
Junto al joven Francisco todo era distinto: allí se reconciliaban el pobre y el rico, el sabio y el ignorante, el orgulloso y el humilde. Porque Francisco era un "pobre" que vivía en Dios y para Dios sólo. Y por eso su mirada y su palabra penetraba hasta el fondo y cambiaba por dentro. Todos volvían a sus casas con los valores en orden y la paz de Dios en el alma. Todos volvían hermanos, hijos del mismo PADRE.
Su ejemplo movió a muchos jóvenes a abandonar la esclavitud de las vanidades mundanas para entregarse del todo a Dios y a los hermanos. Así surgió la Orden mínima, que con el tiempo llegaría a tener tres ramas: Religiosos Mínimos, Terciarios, y finalmente Monjas Mínimas, que es la rama de la Orden que ahora nos ocupa.
La orden Mínima tiene en la Iglesia la misión de ser "faro que ilumina a los penitentes" a imitación de San Francisco, que viviendo el lema de la caridad: - amor ardiente a Dios y a los hombres -, logró desasirse enteramente de sí mismo y de las cosas, convirtiéndose en profeta de la pascua.
Fundadas por San Francisco de Paula, han recibido de él una espiritualidad penitencial de sabor eremítico. Su carisma se mueve entre los valores de la pobreza de espíritu, que resume el planteamiento espiritual de la vida eremítica, y los de la penitencia, de la conversión.
Viven una fuerte tensión hacia Dios, amado y buscado por encima de todas las cosas y a costa de cualquier sacrificio. Dios es el valor grande, sumamente amado, por el cual vale la pena sacrificarlo todo. La ascesis, como camino de conversión Y liberación de todas las realidades que puedan contraponerse a Dios, es consecuencia de este acto de amor que fundamenta la opción de sus vidas.
Además de los tres votos comunes a todos los institutos religiosos, tienen un cuarto voto, llamado de Vida Cuaresmal:
Es la penitencia = "conversión ", que no se contenta con el "espíritu" sino que pasa también a la austeridad real, a la renuncia de lo lícito precisamente para mantener el espíritu en tensión hacia Dios. Es la observancia de la abstinencia cuaresmal en su praxis antigua.
El Fundador, que amaba mucho la humildad les dio el nombre de Mínimas para que tuvieran siempre presente que deben destacarse en esta virtud, a la practica de la cual él exhortaba diciendo: "tanta será vuestra perfección cuanta sea vuestra humildad".
Les puso una tarea especial: rogar por la paz: " por la paz. ¡Oh la paz, es mercancía que merece ser comprada bien cara! Trabajad de continuo en vuestro interior a fin de que haciéndoos agradables a Dios, consigáis de Él cuanto pediéreis".
La vida de las Monjas Mínimas es una vida sencilla, de trabajo, silencio y oración. Tienen diariamente un tiempo dedicado a la formación permanente, y un tiempo de recreo. Su misma espiritualidad de caridad, humildad y penitencia forja en ellas ese talante de sencillez y alegría que las caracteriza.
Otra faceta de la espiritualidad Minina es la gran devoción del Fundador a la Virgen. Logró transmitirla a sus hijas. Para ellas la Virgen María es después de Cristo el modelo más eminente: ejemplo de humildad, de contemplación de consagración y de unión íntima con el Señor.
La mayor parte de los Monasterios de la Orden han sido fundados bajo alguna advocación mariana.
Fundado en 1.681 por Madre Basilisa de Pereyre, cuenta más de trescientos años en esta Ciudad. Está dedicado, desde su fundación, a la Inmaculada, y tiene a la Virgen por Superiora perpetua = "Divina Correctora" de la Comunidad.
Ubicado en el centro de la Ciudad, (en el "Pati") durante casi tres siglos, aunque ahora está un poco a las afueras continúa en el "centro" en el corazón de esta Ciudad, a la que tanto aman y de la que se sienten tan queridas.
Su historia es rica en ejemplos de fiel observancia tanto personal como comunitaria.
El más destacado ejemplo de santidad, honra y gloria de este Monasterio, y de toda la Orden, es la Venerable Sor Filomena. Nacida en Mora de Ebro, ingresó en este Monasterio a la edad de 19 años, en 1.860, y murió a los 27. Su corto vuelo por la tierra fue una carrera, de la mano de María, hacia la santidad.
Desde muy niña deseó hacerse religiosa en un convento dedicado a la Inmaculada. Tras su ingreso, le producía una grande alegría el vivir "en la Casa de María", como ella llamaba este Monasterio.
Desde el primer día se propuso imitar las virtudes de su padre Fundador San Francisco de Paula. Y lo consiguió.
Devotísima y confidente del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús, se la considera apóstol y mensajera en los tiempos modernos, al estilo de Santa Margarita M" Alacoque. A su inspirado celo se debe la fundación del Monasterio de Mora de Ebro con su Templo Expiatorio dedicado al Corazón de Jesús.
Las, mojas Mínimas de Valls ofrecen a las jóvenes que lo deseen la posibilidad de hacer durante unos días una experiencia de vida claustral en ambiente de trabajo, silencio y oración. Esta iniciativa tiene por objeto ayudarlas a un encuentro más profundo con Dios, consigo mismas y con los demás, y a reflexionar sobre la vocación a la que Dios las llama en la Iglesia.
Mojas Mínimas/ Camino de la Verneda, s/n.
43800 Valls Tarragona/ ( España ) Teléfono 977600051.
Saint Francis was born in Paula (Italy) in 1416. Obedient to the call
of God, at the age of 14 he moved to the desert where he lived a life of
austerity and work, simplicity and prayer.
The shining example of his life attracted the multitudes who found
in this young hermit something that brought them nearer to God. By this
they returned to the Gospel values which the corrupt culture of the time
had taken away from them, subjecting them to tensions and wars.
At de side of the young Francis everything seemed different. Poor and
rich, wise and ignorant, proud and humble were reconciled because Francis
was a poor man who lived only in Good and for God. Because of this his
appearance and his words penetrated people deeply, changing their insides.
All could go back to their houses with their value sin order and God is
peace in their soul, brothers and sisters, children of the same Father.
Francis´ example moved many young people to abandon the bondage
of the vanities of this world and to give themselves up to God and to their
This Order has the mission in the Church of being “a lighthouse that
illuminates penitents", as Saint Francis of Paula was. He lived the ideal
of charity -ardent love for God and for men- and managed to become detached
from himself and from earthly things, thus becoming a prophet of the Easter
The Minim Nuns, founded by Saint Francis of Paula, received from him
his own spirit of penance which has a hermit is quality. Their charisma
is based on poverty of spirit which summarizes the spiritual attitude of
living as a hermit practising penance and conversion.
These religious women live a strong inclination towards God, loving
Him and searching Him above all things and at any cost. God is the Supreme
Being and has to be loved more than any other being even at the cost of
anything else. Asceticism, as a way of conversion and liberation from all
realities that contradict God, is a consequence of that act of love which
sets the foundation of their lives.
Apart from the there common vows which are taken in all religious institutes,
Minim Nuns take a fourth vow called Lenten Life. Theirs is not a penance
that is satisfied being merely "a spirit" but also needs to be put into
practice. It is the observance of the Lenten abstinence as it was kept
in the old observance.
The Minim Nuns have recently celebrated the fifth centenary of their
The Founder of this Order, who loved humility very much, gave it the
name of "Minims" so as to remind them always that they should excel in
this virtue. He exhorted them to its practice by saying: "Your perfection
will be as big as your humility".
Saint Francis of Paula was also a faithful imitator of Christ crucified
and because of that he wished all his daughters to practice mortification:
a penitential austerity combined with an ardent charity. This, which we
called the Lenten Life, is made concrete by constant efforts of conversion.
What any Christian has to live specially in Lent -a time of prayer,
works of mercy, humility and sacrifice - the Minims try to live throughout
the whole year. By keeping this binding obligation, they are renewed internally
and grow in goodness. Their is therefore Easter spirituality: by dying
to the old tendencies they are able to be born to a new life in Christ.
The Lenten spirit includes also an external sign: the abstinence from
meat, milk and eggs. Even though this is a matter of a vow, in case of
illness, following the indications of the attending physician, the nuns
may take any kind of food needed to maintain their health. Another external
sign of penance is walking barefoot, that is to say, that they do not wear
closed shoes but open ones, like sandals with special stockings. When necessary,
the Superior may dispense this costume either temporarily or indefinitely.
The recently admitted candidates are not obliged to it. In this period
of formation, before the profession of the vows, they can have any kind
of food. Therefore they get used to the Lenten observance little by little.
But their food is tasty and healthy. In place of meat they have fish and
in place of animal milk they drink vegetable milk made of almonds and all
other kinds of field fruits.
Life for the Minims is a simple life of work, silence and prayer. Everyday
there is a set time for permanent formation and for recreation. Their spirit
of charity, humility and penance gives rise to their characteristically
simple and cheerful personality.
The express desire of their Founder was that they be holy and pray
for peace: "Pray for peace. Peace! It is a merchandise to be bought at
a great price. Work unceasingly in your souls so that you may be pleasing
God and may attain what you are asking". “In the solitude of the cloister
you will be open to the needs of the whole world if you live your specific
type of contemplative life. This is a testimony of love of Christ crucified
and love of souls which the Minim offers to the Christ crucified and love
of souls which the Minim offers to the Church with her life".
Another facet of the spirituality of the Minims is the great devotion
that the Founder had for Our Lady, which he managed to transmit to his
daughters. To them, Our Lady is, after Christ, the greatest model: an example
of humility, contemplation, consecration and intimate union with the Lord.
The vast majority of the monasteries of the Order have been erected under
some Marian ad vocation.
The community was founded in this city in 1681 for Mother Basilisa of
Pereyre and therefore is over three hundred years old. From its very beginning
it has been dedicated to the Immaculate Conception of Mary and it has Our
Lady as its perpetual Superior. She is the “Divine Correctora", the divine
correctrix of the Community. Located in the city centre for almost three
centuries - "El Pati" - is now in the outskirts of Valls. Nevertheless
it remains still very much in the heart of this city, that the nuns love
so much and by which they are so loved.
Their history is rich in personal and community examples of faithful
observance. One outstanding example of sanctity that gives glory and honour
to this monastery and to the whole Order is the life Of Venerable Sister
Philomena who was born in Mora of Ebro, and in 1860 entered in this monastery
at the age of 19. She died at the age of 27. Hers was a short flight towards
sanctity by the hand of Mary.
Ever since a child, she wished to is a nun in a convent dedicated to
honour the Immaculate Conception.
After her entrance, living in "the house of Mary", as she used to call
it, made her exceedingly happy.
From the very first day Philomena tried to imitate the virtues of her
Founder Saint Francis of Paula and she was able to attain them.
She was very devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus from whom she received
personal revelations and she is considered an apostle and messenger oh
Him in modern times in the style of Saint Margaret M. Of Alacoque. Her
inspired zeal promoted the foundation of a Monastery and an Expiatory temple
dedicated to the Heart of Jesus in Mora of Ebro, her birthplace.
Our address:
Monasterio de Monjas Mínimas
Camino de la Verneda s/n
43800 Valls (Tarragona) Spain
Phone: 977 600051
Las Monjas Mínimas y los
frailes Mínimos
viven el anonadamiento del
con una vida de PENITENCÍA
en un clima de SOLEDAD
para tener más ocasión de ORAR
y despojados de todo en plena LIBERTAD
llegar a la PURA
De este modo realizan la DONACIÓN
en una vida de COMUNIÓN
ANDUJAR 23740 (Jaén): C/ Jesús María,
1. Te¡.: 953 50 00 85.
ANTEQUERA 29200 (Málaga): C/ Belén,
2. Tel.: 952 84 13 97.
ARCHIDONA 29300 (Málaga): C/ Queipo de
Llano. Tel.: 952 71 41 84
BARCELONA 08035: Cno. San Ginés a Harto,
16. Tel.: 93 429 27 57.
DAIMIEL 13250 (Ciudad Real): C/ Mínimas,
13. Tel.: 926 85 03 57.
JEREZ FRA. 11403 (Cádiz): Pza. San Marcos,
8. Tel.: 956 34 53 37.
MORA D'EBRE 43740 (Tarragona): Pza. Vble. Sor
Filomena. Tel.: 977 40 02
SEVILLA 41010: C/ Pagés del Corro, 136.
Tel.: 95 434 02 66.
VALLS 43800 (Tarragona): Camino Verneda, s/n.
Tel.: 977 60 00 51.
BARCELONA 08041: Correr de I'Oblit, 22. Tel.:
93 436 41 52.
MADRID 28018: C/ Ruidera, 9. Tel.: 91 507 19
PALMA MALLORCA. Tel.: 971 76 89 77.
SEVILLA 41008: C/ Arrovo 78. Tel.: 954 53 55
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