Anthony Pym

Papers on research methodology

A spirited defense of empiricism in Translation Studies (and in anything else concerning the study of cultures) (2016)

You don't have to be a believer to know it ( 做圣经翻译研究不必为信徒) (2015)

Translation and economics: rational decisions, competing tongues, and measured literacy (2015)

Risk analysis as a heuristic tool in the historiography of interpreters. For an understanding of worst practices (2014)

Translation Studies in Europe – reasons for it, and problems to work on (2013)

Research skills in Translation Studies: What we need training in (2012)

Translation research terms – a tentative glossary for moments of perplexity and dispute (2011)

Translation theory as historical problem-solving (2010)

Prefacio al libro de Roberto Mayoral y Oscar Diaz Fouces Sobre las especialidades de la Traducción y la Traducción especializada (2010)

Interview on current issues in Translation Studies (2010)

On empiricism and bad philosophy in Translation Studies (2009/2010). French version here.

Humanizing Translation History. Hermes.42 (2008) 23-48.

Translation après coup. On why Translation Studies has a specific object (2007/2008)

Finding translations. On the use of bibliographical databases in translation history (with Sandra Poupaud and Ester Torres Simón)

Statistics for Novices
. Unpublishable notes, March 1999.

The Good Ship Translatus. Word for Word. Official Newsletter of the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters. April 2003.

Translation Studies as Social Problem-Solving (2002)

On Method in Hispanic Translation History (2000)

On History in Formal Conceptualizations of Translation (2006)

On the social and the cultural in Translation Studies (2006)

Scandalous Statistics? A note on the percentages of translations into English., Source. The Newsletter of the Literary Division of the American Translators Association. 29 (1999). 7, 19.

Okay, so how are translation norms negotiated? A question for Gideon Toury and Theo Hermans (1998)

Catalogues and Corpora in Translation History, The Knowledges of the Translator: From Literary Interpretation to Machine Translation, Ed. Malcolm Coulthard and Pat Odber de Baubeta, Lewiston/Queenston/Lampeter: Edwin Mellen Press, 1996, 167-190.

European Translation Studies, une science qui dérange, and Why Equivalence Needn’t Be a Dirty Word, TTR 8/1 (1995), 153-176.

Doubts about deconstruction as a general theory of translation (1995)

Coming to terms with and against nationalist cultural specificity. Notes for an ethos of translation studies, Folia Translatologica, Ed. Jana Králova & Zuzana Jettmarová, Prague: Charles University, 1993, 49-69.

Why translation conventions should be intercultural rather than culture-specific. An alternative basic-link model", Parallèles: Cahiers de l'École de Traduction et d'Interprétation de Genève 15 (1993), 60-68.

Complaint Concerning the Lack of History in Translation Histories (1992).

Shortcomings in the Historiography of Translation, Babel 38/4 (1992), 221-235.

The Relations between Translation and Material Text Transfer (1992)

The Importance of Salomé: Approaches to a fin de siècle Theme, French Forum 14/3: 311-322.


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